Life is the entertainment〜International edition Vol.3

A cup of delicious plum wine
Plum wine which is called for “Umeshu”in Japan is very popular among women.This wine smells sweet and freshen them up!
When I went to Osaka last month,I dropped into a fascinating requor shop “Sho-Chu authority”in Namba-parks,a metroporitan shopping mall.
And I got a local plum wine made from Fukuoka;my hometown.This wine's name is“Dazaifu-san-no-oishi-Umeshu”!

The manufacturing method of that is the same as Shochu(a clear distilled liquor)!So the drunkness does not remain longer than another.
This time I drunk it straight,and I could feel rich plum flavor!And it's also delicious to drink it with rock!So I recommend the mellow taste of this plum wine!

You can get the map for Namba-parks,as following URL(Nankai railway Namba station is near here.)

ちなみに、今回の記事に出てきた「fascinating」という表現は「魅力的な」と言う意味で、特に強い魅力を感じた時に使います!(普段は「charming」という表現の方が多いかな?)あと、焼酎を「a clear distilled liquor」と表現したのは、焼酎=蒸留酒と捕らえたからだそうです。ま、普通に「Sho-chu」でも通用するみたいですけどね。
それから、「酔い」という表現は「drunkness」なんだそうです。「The drink goes to his head=彼は酔いが頭にまわった」という表現なんかも、時々使うこと・・・あるかな?